Monday, August 31, 2009

Tamaine Fearon Photography

T-Fearon Photography:

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like e'erybody-and-they-damn-mama is an aspiring Photographer nowadays. Since so many people are getting in touch with their artistic side, its sometimes difficult to separate the men from the boys when it comes to the craft.

I haven't seen this guy since High school, But I've been Facebook stalking him for awhile and his work his starting to turn heads.

michelle likes this :)

- Ivy Jones -
Watch me make the pictures dance.

MMM: Movie Making Machines

Shout outs to the entire crew of Jeff Batsoluis: Poet for getting into the prestigious Montreal World Film Festival.

I'm soooooo excited
because I worked on this one! I was the Gaffer (lighting) extraordinaire! Although it was a smaller role, I'm so honoured to have had a hand in creating your masterpiece. *Que violin music.

Cast : Akshay Sharma, Emmanuel Kabongo, Sabrina Campbell

Crew :
Director - Demitri Salloum

Producer - Jon Tomas Neal
Director of Photography - Sean Weaver

Movie Making Machine.

When The Money Goes...

Remember watching Fresh Prince, and after numerous attempts of trying to find that perfect girl Will finally finds the woman of his dreams Lisa (Nia Long) who he then tries to marry twice then realizes it won't work and then later on they become brother and sister... Yes I know Fresh Prince got a little twisted toward the end of season 7.

Anyways, Nia Long that sweet, sultry, lovable lady who also starred in other movies like The Best Man, In Too Deep, and other movies kinda with the same premise, has hit an all time low.

As I was wasting time surfing the web, I came across this ad for PETA, and we all know they usually get celebraties to pose showing their disdain for the murdering of animals for fur with the tag line, "Fur, I Rather Go Naked". And the quality of these ads are well done usually done professionally and whatnot, well here is Nia Long's...

Photoshop though? Don't they know this is Lisa from Fresh Prince? Treat her with some respect, damn shame...

<--- Durango Dre --->

When the money goes, so does the love...

Home away from home...

So as you know or well now know that I am a part-time student, part-time basketball player and full-time lover... And like anyone with my collection of characteristics I headed off to school early last week and have been running up and down back and forth trying to get myself situated. I am doing a horrible job because right now I sleep on a matress with no sheets just a pillow and whatever dignity I am left with at night.

But thats neither here nor there... Because with every new school year brings, new girls, students, courses, teachers, and most importantly a new season, I have been here for a week but we have definitely been working hard on and off the court to get right for this season hopefully we can get passed the first round in the NCAA March Madness...

So follow me and the Cornell Big Red this season as I keep yall updated with the shananagins that take place throughout the course of my final year at Cornell.
<--- Durango Dre --->
"Ballin' is my hobby..."

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Quick post...

Dre goes on and on and on and on and on about this show so I finally decided to give it a chance.


Why? Because I get weak in the knees and begin to squirm at the sight of blood. Errm, this show is about Vampires.


- Ivy Jones -
Bloody Mary.


OK so I just forrrrccced myself through the film adaption Tyler Perry's play Meet the Browns.(Yes I know I'm a year late)

I usually gravitate to TP's films because he skillfully infuses them with both dramatic and comedic elements. Unfortunately his usual dramedy formula failed to connect this time around. The jokes that were side-splitting on stage did not translate well on camera at all!

I'm not sure if it's slow pacing, bad acting, unfeasible story lines or all of the above that make this movie so difficult to watch but for some reason the story just doesn't flow.

Come on now, we all know the formula...

Emotionally/Physically weak female - check
Heartless male antagonist - check
Elderly/Matriarchal figure (good for inspirational speeches while cooking) - check
Knight in shining amour to sweep weak female off her feet - check
Church scene - double check

The only saving grace in the film is Irma P. Hall (Big Mama, Soul Food)... Its nice to see that she's still alive and kickin'.


The play is WAAAYYYY better!!

- Ivy Jones - a Mad Black Woman

The Fly Society

2 amigos, 2 worlds, 1 blog

The life and times of the filmmaker and the ball player .. lol

Ivy Jones & Dre
Strut with us

- Fly Society -
Has Landed