Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flu Shots...

First watch...


<---Durango Dre --->


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Remember that short film I worked on that got into Montreal World Film Festival? Well turns out it got me my first official credit on Internet Movie Database!


- Ivy Jones -
Only the beginning.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I remember walking down the street last year when this song came up on my iPod. I don't know if it was the song or the wind blowing in my face but I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I know this isn't everyone's steeze so to speak, but I'd encourage you to give it a chance. Listen to the words .. it's pretty deep.

- Ivy Jones -
Going deeper.

Give Thanks


It's been a crazy year for both us .. we've had our highs and lows in life, but even if the bad outweighs the good we can still give thanks.

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalms 107:1

From Ivy and Dre
Giving thanks 365 days a year

Speaking of John Mayer...

Just had to co-sign on Dresky's post

John Mayer - Dreaming with a broken heart.

I remember the first time I heard this song was on The Game when Derwin and Mel broke up and he thought she was in the house. I had it on repeat for like a week straight after that.

He goes in every time.

- Ivy Jones -
The giving up is the hardest part

Saturday, October 10, 2009


So its been a while after MJ's death but I just had to bring it up again. Only cause John Mayer killed (no pun intended) his performance...

<---Durango Dre--->

New Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" October 28th...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Nuit Blanche Experiment

In short, Nuit Blanche is an annual contemporary Art show that runs from 6:45pm - 6am in Toronto.

Sok, Tanisha and myself decided to gallivant down there at around 10pm to expand our minds and see what all the fuss was about.

I didn't take a lot of pictures, because.. well.. we didn't see much. But what we did see was Sketch-bag.

Ghost Choir (aka. The Duppy Choir aka. The Devil is a liar)

"Beautiful Light Exhibit" - 4 Letter Word Machine

OK, so basically they had this screen set up in Nathan Philips Square (Toronto's city hall). The monitor kept flashing these undecipherable symbols, while you heard this sinister mans voice blaring through massive speakers. Everyone immediately gravitated towards the ominous music that blanketed the area. WE BOOKED IT OUT OF THERE!
Dinner time
Dude climbing a building, screwing large white roaches into the wall

Closer look

My "what in the sam hill is going on" face

Ran into Mr. UpsideDownDay himself
Thus concluding the Nuit Blanche experiment... yea, probably gonna sit the next one out. Either that or do more research before I head out.

- Ivy Jones -
Starting to miss Spacely Sprokets..



Always remember that you are blessed, and that all of your hard work will pay off! (We're not celebrating this year because studying to become a nurse is consuming her life lol)

Much Love!

- Ivy Jones -
Nurse Betty.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Its that time...

The season is about to start don't sleep on the kid....

<---Durango Dre--->

Kobe, Lebron...

Sweatin' Me...

sooooo, its getting to that time of year where shorts are becoming unexceptable, as well as flip flops and any open toe shoes (keep the monsters in the cage people). But now that its getting chilly I had to purchase me some sweaters, because people tend to loose their freshness as it draws closer to winter. And I decided to try something new and look presentable during this cold winter months. I have the tendency to wear the same track pants for like 3 weeks, and not shave for longer, but who is really looking?

Anyways here they are: The first additions to Operation: "Frozen Goods"

<--- Durango Dre --->
